Introduction: DIY Mini Sketchbook, for Artists on the Go!

About: Hi, I love to draw and cook etc.

Step 1: Materials!

You'll need:
Paper, I'm using 4 pieces.
2 little rubber bands (like from the rainbow loom)
And cardboard, any type, corrugated or cereal box cardboard is fine.

Step 2: Fold and Cut Paper

Fold the paper in half twice and then cut a little of the top off, you should be able to flip through it.

Step 3: Cut the Cardboard!

Cut two pieces of cardboard to the same size as the paper.

Step 4: Make Holes in It!

Using scissors, a hole punch or an xacto knife, make two holes in the paper and cardboard (make sure they're in the same spot)

Step 5: Cut the Rubber Bands or String and Connect Them

Cut the rubber band/string, and tie it through the holes. (I decided to use string)

Step 6: Decorate!!!

Decorate it!

Step 7: Quicker Way!

Quicker way!!! Cut the paper and cardboard into squares and ducttape the paper to the cardboard and decorate! (I made this quicker way because I messed my longer way one up.. lol)

Step 8: Done!

You are done!