Introduction: DIY Solar Oven

Spring is coming!  And with it, comes the sun!  Want to use that solar power to save some energy, money, and have fun?  Well, here's how...

  • Recycled Cardboard Box
  • Scissors
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Plastic Wrap

Step 1:

First, you will need to cut a rectanglular flap in the top of your box and fold it back.

Step 2:

Then, line the bottom and the flap of your box with the foil.

Step 3:

Next, tape plastic wrap over the hole you cut.  (Be sure to pull it tight and secure it firmly.)

Step 4:

Now, open the top of your box and insert whatever you would like to cook.

Step 5:

Finally, sit your meal out in the sun to cook and enjoy!

Spring's Coming Contest

Participated in the
Spring's Coming Contest

Makerlympics Contest

Participated in the
Makerlympics Contest

Papercraft Contest

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest