Introduction: Two Half Hitches

About: Born in Flushing Queens, NY, and growing up in Maywood, NJ., I learned my problem solving skills from my mother, my handy man skills from my father and my cooking skills from both of my parents. As a Cub Scout…

The Two Half Hitches is a general purpose hitch used for fastening a rope to a post, branch or any fixed object.

Just like the name suggests this is two half hitches done together. I find it is best to practice on a table.

In the description of tying a knot you will find the terms ‘load side’ and ‘working end’. For those of you that might be learning how to tie a knot for the first time, the ‘load side’ of a rope is the part of the rope that is not active in knot tying and the ‘working end’ is the part of the rope that does all the work in knot tying.

Step 1:

Holding the rope in your left hand take the working end of the rope and make a loose loop to the right around your table leg overlapping the load side of the rope, the working end should be pointing to the left.

Step 2:

Twist the working end under the load side and up though the loop.

Step 3:

With your left hand hold the working end and load side parallel to each other. {Working on right, Load on left}

Step 4:

Below the loop twist the working end under then over the load side into the loop you just created.

Step 5:

Pull on both the load side and working end of the rope to tighten your Two Half Hitches.

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