Introduction: Dremel/Drill Press Footswitch

About: I love to void warranties!

In this Instructable we'll create a simple footswitch for turning on/off a mains powered tool (dremel/drill press/etc.).

Bill of materials:

  • 2X 11x30cm boards
  • Screws
  • Momentary switch (e.g., door bell switch)
  • Mains plugs (male and female)
  • Power cord

You should take into account the power specs for the switch/cord and power tool (power of switch/cord > power of tool).


  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Router/Jigsaw/something that cuts holes
  • Sandpaper

Step 1: Body

The body is composed by two pieces of wood:

  • A hole should be cut into one of the boards to insert the switch.
  • On the second board, and below the hole on the first, use the router to create a small depression in the wood. This depression will be used to accommodate the wiring.
  • Use the router to cut a groove to allow the wiring to get out of the body. This groove should be cut in such a way that the cord is not loose inside it.
  • Drill some holes for the screws on the second board.

Step 2: Electrical Stuff

To save space and to keep the number of connections to a minimum do the following:

  • Peal off the outside insulation of the power cord somewhere in the middle (see youtube video).
  • Cut on of the wires in half (not the ground one).
  • Stick the two newly created ends into the switch.
  • Slide the outside insulation so that the remaining wires are not exposed.

Attach male and female plugs to both ends of the cord.

Step 3: Assembly

Step 4: Final Result