Introduction: Duck Tape Bandage

About: I like hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, shooting, Xbox 360, cooking, and trying to make stuff.

You can make this however big you want it

Step 1: Supplies


Duct tape
Measuring tape
Kleenex, TP, Napkin, or Paper Towel

Step 2:

Cut a peice of tape about 3/4 of an inch.

Step 3:

Tear or cut a peice of the paper product about the size the tape and fold it the size of the cut.

Hint: Try to fold it as much times as you can before it's to small for the size of the cut.

Step 4:

Stick the paper product on the tape and put it on the wound.

The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest