Introduction: Easy Duct Tape DS Game Case

In this instructable I want to show you how to make a easy and simplistic ds game case out of duct tape, please note that you may want to edit your creation as you go along, to fit your needs :)

I got this Idea from looking for a simple DS game case made entirely out of duct tape, but couldn't find one I liked enough :p so I made this

Note: This is my first instructable, please comment on any error you may see in it
also, sorry for the image quality, but I think the images are good enough to get the point across

Step 1: Materials

1. Duct tape
2. Knife (or other sharp object) to cut duct tape
3. DS game cartridges (have as many as you want the case to hold)

Step 2: Cut

Cut the duct tape at the length about a bit over 2 DS cartridges high (see picture) (You might want to add a little extra length, just to make sure it's long enough)

Create as many of these strips as the amount of game cartridges you want the finished product to hold (I want 8 cartridges to hold, so I make 8 strips)

Step 3: Wrapping

wrap the duct tape around a DS cartridge sticky side out.

Then, fold the excess duct tape to the back, this makes the bottom.

Place on a surface that will not ruin the adhesive of the duct tape (Do not put it on carpet for sure)

Do this with each cartridge and strip.

Step 4: Aranging

Now, Connect all the squares together so it fits wherever you want to carry it (like a pockit :) ).

Check over your design before you put them together, it is difficult to take apart.

Step 5: Last Step: Covering

Cover the stick duct tape with duct tape, sticky side in, making it stronger, and less sticky on the outside, wrap some more times if you want some additional strength (By the way, mine turned out too wide so I had to use two strips, and this may happen to you too).

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