Introduction: Easy Egg Flower Ramen Soup

About: I'll cut and paste stuff here as time goes on.

If you can boil water and crack an egg, you can make your Ramen delicious and nutritious! This recipe is cheap, quick, and simple.

Step 1: Ingredients

Gather your ingredients together:
*A Ramen Pack
*Eggs (1-4, depending on your hunger)
*Water in a saucepan or whatever

Begin boiling the water. You may want to add the flavor packet from the Ramen right as you begin.

Step 2: Put in the Eggs

When the water is *gently* boiling, crack the eggs and dump 'em in. If the water is boiling too fiercely, the eggs will froth up and ruin the aesthetics of your meal. In fact, I usually take the water off the heat for this part, if I am confident that I can stir in the eggs quickly enough.

Immediately after dropping the eggs in, stir slowly in one direction (I prefer counter-clockwise, but it's up to you). Make sure to break the yolks early. If you find it difficult to get a good consistency (lumpy egg bits rather than flowy ribbon), try whipping the egg in a cup before pouring it in. If you do it this way, pour it in slowly and at an even pace, stirring very slowly at the same time.

Step 3: Add Ramen, If Desired

If you are a straight-egg-soup-only kind of person, you can call your soup finished at this point. But I know your Instructables sensibilities are screaming with rage, "What about the noodles?!!"

When you are confident that the eggs are cooked enough and the salmonella is all dead, dump in the Ramen and let it soak for about four minutes. Stir it slowly.

Step 4: Devour Lovingly.

Wait for your soup to cool off, and then gorge yourself on the fanciest dinner you can buy with 50 cents!*

*estimate by cost of eggs per dozen and Ramen per packet.