Introduction: Easy Harry Potter Wand

About: I like making anything.

Make an easy Harry Potter wand in 5 minutes with hot glue and chopsticks. Please vote in the top corner.

Step 1: Begin

Begin by getting the following items: hot glue gun, chopsticks, broun and tan acrylic paint. Start applying hot glue to the top of the chopstick and go down about a third of it. Keep the glue as smooth as possible, this may be difficult.

Step 2: Continue

Continue gluing and smoothing with a toothpick or pen.

Step 3: Make a Good Handle

Make sure the top and bottom of the handle are bigger than the rest.

Step 4: Optional

Apply a thin layer of glue under the handle. Be sure that it is as smooth as it can be.

Step 5: Begin Painting

Begin painting the handle dark Broun.

Step 6: Continue Painting

Paint the rest of the wand with a lighter shade of Broun.

Step 7: Optional 2

Paint the tip of the wand white.

Step 8: Your Done

Have fun and please vote for this instructables in the wizarding contest.

Wizarding Contest

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Wizarding Contest

DIY Summer Camp Challenge

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DIY Summer Camp Challenge