Introduction: Easy Marvel and Dc Cosplay for Men

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create easy marvel and dc cosplay that are for men. If your going to comi con on short notice this is a tutorial for you!

Step 1: List of Easy Characters

In this tutorial I'll cover superboy, anarky, wolverine (Logan), punisher, and deadshot

Step 2: SuperBoy

This one might be the easiest on my list. It's simply a superboy t-shirt (black superman shirt) and blue jeans.

Step 3: Anarky

Anarky is quite simple. It's simply a red jacket and hoody, orange scarf, and white mask

Step 4: Deadshot

There are many versions of deadshot the one I'm doing is Arkham origins. All you need is grey balaclava, red glasses lens, blue and red leather jacket, if you can't get the colour spray paint.

Step 5: Punisher

This one can be done for both man and women. It's simply punisher logo shirt, black trench coat, and cargo pants

Step 6: Wolverine

This one is quite easy just a white under vest, leather jacket with yellow arm stripes, cigar and claws.