Introduction: Easy Spoon Bracelet

About: Im new here and im only 13 but dont underestmate me just because i probably spelled underestmate wrong and i dont capitalize my i's. I'm just here to post my ideas to make your life better or easier.

This Instructable is on how to make the next big thing. Spoon Bracelets! There really cool for guys and girls. All my friends wanted their own so I decide to make this Instructable on how to make them.

Step 1: Tools

All you need is a spoon long enough to fit around your wrist, (mine were mainly used for stirring stuff), a hammar and a vise.

Step 2: Bending

Put the spoon in the clamp and use the hammar to bend it. Bending is the tricky part, you have to make sure that the spoon will be in the right shape to go around your wrist. In the end it might look like this. Don't worry if it doesnt, just as long as its in a oval like shape then its fine.

Step 3: Fitting

Now that you have the tough to bend parts bent then basiclly you should be able to bend it on your own to fit your wrist. If it doesn't fit then just bend it around a little and try again.