Introduction: Explosive Knex Knife Thrower

About: Knex guns rule It was cool to be around when the first guns came out Now, after not having building knex for so long, its awesome to view in retospct

A simple yet devestating close range knife thrower with exsplosive fragment rounds.

I made this when i built a model of a medieval magonel
when the arm flew off!!!

Step 1: Collecting the Pieces

Well I bet everybody can figure this out in the picture

Step 2: Constructing the Frame

Just follow these simple pictures!

Step 3: Adding the Rubberbands

Use two durable thick rubberbands and wind them around towards the handle, then when the tension builds up add a yellow rod as shown.

Step 4: Loading and Firing

To load clip a normal shot(no rings) or a exsplosive one (with rings) into the yellow connector. Then pull back the shot like cocking a gun the slip your finger off. If it does not fire try adding more rubberbands.

You can also clip a white rod on the yellow connector and put any slip any knex pieces with a hole and fire.