Introduction: Fun Dinner Surprise

About: I love cooking, acting and singing, I am friends in real life with kbp555.

Step 1: To Make the Best Fancy Dinner

I try to think of Ideas to impress the guests and one day I thought of having a blind taste test fancy dinner.

Step 2: When I Started...

I needed things to make, so I made a list of things.

Course dinner
By Miaryanne

What you need,

.Many plates, spoons, forks and cups
.An empty table
.a hot dog
.a bagel
.potatoes and sour cream
. raspberries and blueberries
. Tomato soup and saltines
. Some kind of desurt that can be sprinkled / Belvitas

Step 3: Next

Be creative think of different ways to make these foods here are some of my ideas

Step 4: Mini Hot Dogs

Start off with a normal hot dog and wrap it in a napkin and heat it for 21 seconds.
After cut it into a few pieces on a plate and with ketchup make a circle around all the hot dogs.
(Optional) Then squirt little circles of mustard around the plate.

It will end up looking like a pizza

Step 5: Hummus Bites

Start with a bagel in front of you.
Then rip it into little pieces.
On each piece spread on some hummus
Place the pieces on a plate


Step 6: Potatoes

Start by making the potatoes.
Next spread on sour cream


Step 7: Fruit Salad

This one isn't as hard as it sounds.
All you have to do is get a bunch of raspberries and blueberries and put them together in a bowl
Sweet and healthy

Step 8: Tomato Soup

For this you will need Campbell tomato soup and saltine crackers.
Make the soup and sprinkle in one cracker.
Then serve the soup

Step 9: Dessurt

For this one all you need is strawberry yogurt in a bowl.
In the cookie isle of the store you can get a snack called chocolate Belvitas to sprinkle on the yogurt
If not just use chocolate chip cookies.

Step 10: Serve

Each food should come out one at a time. As it comes out the people you are serving have to put on their blindfold (explains about blindfold next) and can't look at their food until they take one bite.

Step 11: Blindfolds

To make a blindfold all you need is...
.a rubber band
.a thin towel or cloth

Put the cloth or towel over your head so you can't see and put the rubber band over it.
Then when you have to put the food in your mouth lift up the towel

Step 12: Finally

Enjoy your 6 course meal