Introduction: Fast and Easy Wood Marking Gauge

About: I am disabled and walk on a cane , but try and live life to the fullest ( or foolishness ) since my antics most time end up with me in bed on ice for a few days

Quick fast, easy wood scribe.
Inscribe on wood easily, with this fast instructable.

You will need.

A metal rod (size of a pencil)
A nut that will fit over it.
A nail.
A drill.
A set-screw.

Step 1: Step 1

Place the nut over the rod near the end, then drill a hole. Make sure it goes all the way through the rod. Remove the nut when done drilling.

Step 2: Step 2

Friction fit a nail or solder into the hole you just drilled. Leave 3/8 inches sticking out

Step 3: Step 3

Tap your nut, and insert a bolt. Put back on the rod. Adjust to where you want it, and then scribe the wood.

Step 4: Step 4

Now, mark your wood.

Step 5: Author's Note

Use a drill press. I didn't, and the hole in the rod was slightly off, but it still works.