Introduction: Free Numerology Reading – How to Calculate Your Destiny Number

About: Life-Answers is the #1 Numerology site on the web, offering daily personalized reports, life guide packages, and free Numerology sample readings. It is now easier than ever to get your own customized numerolog…

t's been known throughout the ages by a variety of names: fate, karma, kismet. The definitions are the same, though. Your destiny tells you what you must be, what you must accomplish and what you must do in this lifetime to achieve the lesson of your Lifepath. With a free numerology reading, you can find out just that.

Your destiny in numerology is derived from the total numeric value of each letter of your birth name (no, not a married name or nickname -- but the name you were given at your birth!).

In a numerology reading, the numeric value of your name's letters are calculated by assigning a number to each letter of the alphabet. For example, the letter A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on. Letters with double-digits are added together in order to get one number. For example, the letter M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. When you add 1+3 together, you get 4, which is the numeric value. ..