Introduction: Fried Ice Cream

About: I'm a career woman and a mom for 2 boys. Now we are creating our edible garden and try to avoid outside food. So we will plant our own vegetables and cook the nice food :)

The most simple dessert you can imagine.. A combination of hot and cold.. Deliciose!!

Step 1: Supply

1. Bread
2. Ice cream of your choice - i'm using chocolate ice cream
3. Mold - i'm using sunny side up egg mold or any mold you have

Step 2: Preparation

Put the ice cream in the middle of the 2 slices of the bread.

Using the mold of your choice, press thru the bread and make sure the edge are tight.
This is to avoid the ice cream leaking when we fry later.

Put in the plastic bag and keep in the freezer for overnight.

Meaning that, you have to prepare 1 day earlier for your event.

Repeat the same process to make more. 1 is not enough i tell you.. ;)

Step 3: Fry

Fry when you want to eat them.

Heat the oil. Make sure the oil is piping hot.
Fry only for 8 seconds on each side.

Don't fry more than that. Makesure you get ready with all your frying tool and serving before you start frying.

Eat immediate once cook.

Step 4: Enjoy!!

Serve it.. You can hear the crunchyness of the bread when you cut it.. As well as when you bite it.. Crunchy, hot and and cold at the same time.. Enjoy it with your love one.. Simple.. Low cost.. But priceless!! Yumm...

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