Introduction: Getting Started: SPEEEduino V1.1

About: Im lit?

What is the SPEEEduino?

The SPEEEduino is a Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller board based around the Arduino ecosystem, built for educators. The SPEEEduino combines the form factor and the microcontroller of the Arduino with the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC, making it a highly configurable and compatible system. It is immediately compatible with the hundreds of libraries that people wrote for the Arduino Uno, as the SPEEEduino shares the same microcontroller unit as the Arduino Uno.

This project is done by a group of students from Singapore Polytechnic. We have a total of 3 members in the group: Pan ZiYue, Julian Kang and myself. Our supervisor is Mr Teo Shin Jen.

This guide is intended to get anyone who happens to have their hands on this board started with the basics of Internet networking with the SPEEEduino. Let us begin!

Setting Up...

The SPEEEduino interfaces with a computer via a USB to serial converter. For our version, are using cheap CP2102 converters from AliExpress and TaoBao, unlike a traditional Arduino that has an onboard serial converter. This allows us to lower the cost of the board and also making it less costly to deploy.

Things you need:

1. A computer loaded with the Arduino IDE, available here

2. The SPEEEduino itself

3. The ESP01 Module

4. USB to Serial Converter (For this instructables, we are going to use the CP2102)

5. Most importantly, yourself! :)

Step 1: Connect the SPEEEduino to Your PC Using the USB to Serial Converter.

Use the table to wire your SPEEEduino up correctly. In this page, we are using a CP2102 USB-TTL converter. Your converter might be different, but make sure that it uses 5V logic levels and outputs 5V power, not 3.3V.

Step 2: Blink!

Blink is a very simple example code included in the Arduino IDE. Due to the resemblance of the SPEEEduino with the Arduino (especially the UNO), any code that can be used with the UNO can be used with the SPEEEduino, with the exception that the SPEEEduino has a WiFi module attached.

It is normally also the example code I use to check if the device is working about.

However, you can also say this.

To load up the code in the Arduino IDE, go to:

File > Examples > 01. Basics > Blink

Before you upload the code, remember to check if you have selected the right board and port under tools.

After you have done all that, it is time to hit the upload button!

Step 3: Before We Continue, Connect Your ESP01!

If not no WiFi function LOL!

Step 4: Hello World! (WiFi!) + Download a Webpage!

It is now time for you to connect the SPEEEduino to the WiFi and download a webpage!

For this step, you will need to:

1. Download the Low-Level library for the SPEEEduino found here

2. In the Arduino IDE, go to:

Sketch > Include Library > Add .zip library

Navigate to the .zip file location and click Open.

3. Restart the Arduino IDE.

4. In the Arduino IDE, go to:

File > Examples > SPEEEduino_Low_Level_Library > Retrieve_Webpage

5. Make sure you change the NETWORK-NAME-HERE and NETWORK-PASSWORD-HERE to your WiFi SSID and password.

6. Upload the program to the SPEEEduino and turn on the serial monitor.

7. You should see something like the last picture in this step.