Introduction: Google Easter Eggs

Hello, its drmjj55 here to show you some cool Easter Eggs on google.  Well here we go!

Step 1: Egg 1- the Loneliest Number

A funny one.  Go to google's homepage then search the loneliest number.  The calculator will say 1.

Step 2: Egg 2 - the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Go to google and search  the answer to life, the universe, and everything and the calculator will say 42.

Step 3: Egg 3 - Once in a Blue Moon

Go to google and search once in a blue moon.  The calculator will say 1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz

Step 4: Egg 4 - Recursion

Go to google and search recursion.  It should say    Did you mean recursion?

Step 5: Egg 5 - ASCII Art

Go to google then search Ascii art.  The google logo will change to ASCII Art.

Step 6: Thats All for Now

Just wait until I find some more.....