Introduction: Gravity Feed Syphon Drip Watering Setup Using Knex and Old Soda Bottles

I came up with this watering system to water some plants in out of
 the way places...  It helps if you are aware of how a siphon works...
 The number one thing is that your reservoir is above your outlet stand...
 I built this at The TechShop in San Jose California...

Gabriel Aceves

Step 1: Supplies...

Ok you need an empty clean soda bottle, 1/8 inch od. vinyl tubing(available at hardware store)
 and all the kynex shown in the picture...  A tool to heat up and poke 2 holes slightly smaller then
 1/8 inch in your bottle cap...

Step 2: Step One... Putting the Holes in the Bottle Cap...

So you are going to want to get your tool and heat it up and burn 2 holes in
 your bottle cap...  One is for your tubing to go through and the other is to equalize
 pressure as your water leaves your bottle....   Make sure at least one of the holes
is a little smaller then your tubing so the tubing slides with a little resistance...
 If the hole is to tight it will close the tubing up and your water will not flow....

Step 3: Step Two.... Cutting and Installing Tubing in Bottle Cap...

So now you are going to want to figure out where you are going to put your reservoir
and measure out enough tubing to go from your plant to your reservoir and then add 2
 foot to that length to compensate for mismeasurements and the tubing that goes through
 the stand and into the bottle...   Cut your tubing...  Cut one end at an angle...
 it makes it easier to pull it through the bottle cap...   Now push the angled side through
 your bottle cap and feed enough through to reach the bottom of the bottle....

Step 4: Step Three... Gathering Kynex Peices...

So now we are going to gather all the nessasary kynex peices and get them ready
 for assembly...   So look at the pictures and get all your kynex....

Step 5: Step Four... Building Your Watering Stand...

So now you are going to build the stand that sits inside of the pot of the plant that is going to
 be watered...   I like to build them in two peices...  First I build the arm that sticks out...  Look at the pictures
 to see how it is assembled....   Second I build the base...  Again look at the pictures to see how
it fits together...   Then I take the arm and snap it together to the base....   Look
 at the pictures to see how it fits together....

Step 6: Step Five... Weaving the Tubing in the Stand...

so now you are going to weave the tubing through the stand and out through the
 tip of the arm...  Look at the pictures to see the steps and how it goes through...

Step 7: Step Six.... Completion....

So now we have a completed drip assembly....  I like to hide my resevior if
 i can...   In order to get the water flowing I found that you can
 cover the second hole on the cap of the bottle and squeeze until the water
 is well through the tubing and traveling downward towards the plant and then gravity
 can take over from there...   I hope you enjoy this...   Gabriel Aceves....