Introduction: Grilled Artichoke

Step-by-step process on how to make the perfect artichoke.

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Step 1: 4 Globe Artichokes

Step 2: Trimming

Cut the top off with a sharp knife. Then cut the sharp points off with regular scissors. 

Step 3: Slice in Half Vertically

Step 4: Scoop Out the Center/needles With a Regular Spoon

Step 5: Steam Artichokes

Steam artichokes until leaves can be pulled off easily (you can make a makeshift steamer by using a metal colander).

Step 6: Grill Artichoke Faced Down for 5-10 Minutes

Before putting them on the grill, drizzle with some olive oil. 

Step 7: Seasoning

Take artichokes off the grill. Drizzle with olive oil, kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, fresh squeezed lemon juice. 

Step 8: Serve With Garlic Aioli

  • Mayonaise (6 tbsp)
  • Olive Oil (2 tbsp)
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • 3-5 garlic cloves
  • S&P

Step 9: Combine in Food Processor