Introduction: Grow Basil Easily at Home

About: Survivalist and trades man

Basil is used in many cooking recipes , so being able to grow some at home will allow you to have access to fresh basil for your cooking needs. Its a very small plant that takes minimal effort to grow.

Step 1: Use a Small Container That You Can Put in a Sunny Place

bigger containers will not work well while trying to grow the plant at first. The plant will eventually need to be transplanted depending on the starting container.

Step 2: Fill 3/4 of the Container With Soil

Step 3: Moisten the Soil

Step 4: Use 3-5 Basil Seeds

Step 5: Make Very Small Holes in Soil for the Seeds With a Toothpick

make sure the holes are not too deep.

Step 6: Place Seeds in Holes and Cover Lightly With Soil

Step 7: Place the Container in a Sunny and Warm Location

The plant doesn't need a lot of sunlight to grow but from my experience it will speed up the process by having a sunny location . Lightly water the plant every 1-2 days.

Step 8: This Is My Progress of a Little More Than 2 Weeks

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