Introduction: Guitar Hero Controller Mods

Add a "killswitch" and a jack for future projects onto your Guitar Hero controller.

I've been playing guitar hero for quite a while so I decided to do some creative things to one of my guitars. I plan on doing more modifications to this controller so stay tuned for updates.

One note: I'm sorry about the low resolution/blurry pictures. I was using my phone to take them.

'Edit: I need to upload the final couple of steps. Check back for a finished instructable soon

Step 1: Parts/Materials/Tools

Parts and Materials:
- Guitar Hero controller (duh!)

The Jack/foot-pedal
- Some kind of female plug (will go into detail about this later)
- A big momentary pushbutton
- A project box (plastic preferably)

- A small momentary pushbutton

- Solder
- About a foot of wire

- Small phillips screwdrivers
- Soldering tool
- Wire-stripper

Step 2: Mod 1: the Jack (Intro)

Because the killswitch will render the select button useless, I needed to make an alternate select or star power button. I thought about just adding a button on the front of the guitar but I like the smoothness of the face so I decided to add a jack and make a star power foot pedal.

Step 3: The Jack (Getting Your Parts)

The jack I used was scavenged from an old A/V receiver. I just cracked open the box and unsoldered it.

Step 4: The Jack (How to Put It In)

Now that you have your jack, find a spot on the guitar where you want to mount it. I chose a place just a little above the strap knob.

In essence, this is just adding another select button.

1. Drill your hole in the place where you're mounting the jack. Take note to make sure that there's enough room on the inside of your hole for your jack. (picture 1)

2. If there are supports in the way of your jack, use a knife to cut them away. (pictures 2&3)

3. Find the select button board (yellowish) and follow the wire to the main (green) board. (picture 2)

4. Solder one wire from your jack to the leftmost of the three contacts on the main board. (picture 4)

5. The other wire from your jack will be soldered to the middle contact on the select/start button board.

6. It is a good idea to tape or hot glue these soldered points because you may rock too hard and cause the joints to break.

Step 5: The Foot-pedal

I didn't have my camera on me so there are no pictures of this being built.

Take your project box and drill a hole big enough to mount your large button. Attach said button to project box. The pedal is really simple but it makes setting off star power a lot easier.

One note: it's a very good idea to angle the bottom of the project box because it makes the button lean towards you.

Step 6: The Killswitch

On a real guitar, a killswitch cuts power to the pickups producing an automatic and momentary silence. On the guitar hero controller, it acts as an alternate strum button.

The connections I use change the function of the select button to that of the killswitch. If you wish to make a killswitch without disabling the select button, just use any momentary pushbutton in lieu of the select button. Alternatively, you can follow my earlier tutorial on adding a jack to the guitar hero controller.

Another good killswitch how-to is located here.

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