Introduction: Having an Outstanding Dad

The six steps to knowing how good my father is.

Note that if you aren't my dad as your reading this and you aren't family, please keep an open mind :)

Happy 50th birthday and I wish you all the best.

Step 1: "what a Great Guy"

much of what I enjoy has come from my dad. The music he listens to is very similar to mine and when ever either of play something, the groove is on. Fatboy Slim in particular is a favourite of our and there have been

Much of what I enjoy has come from my dad. The music he listens to is very similar to mine and when ever either of play something, the groove is on. Fatboy Slim in particular is a favorite of our and there have been many a Saturday whereby he and I would clean up the house with 'weapon of choice' yelling in the background.

Furthermore, when the rest of the family are away, leaving the both of us in charge of a house, the is not a single hitch in the road. "Hey Attie, what do you think we should do for dinner tonight?" he would say. I would follow with one of two options of the local burger joint or a camping style dinner. As a reply to this, dad would walk over to me and say nothing, but rather hold his hand, waiting for it to be shook. That, is the meaning of two family peas in a pod.

On top of all this, we are both type 1 diabetics and when it's giving either of us a miserable day, we have the level of understanding that only two diabetics could. In the morning there is the competition the see not only what our blood glucose level is, but who is closest to the classic "perfect BGL" seen in all the magazines and supply boxes.

Step 2: The Box ---> [ ] * <---- Dad.

My dad is quite possibly the most creative person i know. He is the kind of person that will see something and say "oh look at that boat, I think I might just make one". Then bam! Six months later he and I are both fishing in the boat he made or planning the row down the local creek. Not only that but when he was only seven, he developed his own molding system for some pewter that his father had thrown out using a toilet roll.

He also has an un-quenchable fascination for space that has lead to the construction of a orory* and planosheric astrolarb -both of which were made from his own design and keep sync to the solar system we are a part of.

Attempting to be a creative person myself, he has shown me the ways of becoming a jed... uh... I mean, he has shown me that the 'seven P's' (painstaking planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance) are the way to go. Through many outcomes in school and at home, there are always times to put ones self through the seven P's and really make sure you understand what you have done and made sure it to the best or your ability.


Step 3: Einstein? Pffft.. Dad.

Dad has always been a clever man. But the thing that sets him apart from the pack is what he thinks about. It's abstract to convention and with what he learns, he makes use of it. 'Style over substance' he always says. You can have one or the other. The fantastic style of an author wearing a turtle neck with bold glasses and and long swept back hair. People at first glance see intellect and prestige, but, ask them to write and they have no ideas. But when you have substance, you aren't the most flashy person, however you can generate what you want at will because you are parted from what judgment people posses. You have interminable curiosity. My dad has this. He is always looking to learn and comprehend what most people do not.

A prime example of this is of a computer program that he wrote that showed the stars at different times of the year. Fully kitted out with information that other similar programs don't include, Easter eggs and a day night cycle, his creation was dynamic to use and accurate.

Knowing not what he will do next is both fantastic and agitating. However, when he does bring something new into the world, you know a great deal of thought has been put behind it.

Step 4: Solid Heart

Though at times he angers me to the end of the world, I cant help but appreciate how much he looks out for me.

Iv'e heard stories from friends telling about their fathers death or how then don't even live in the same country as they do and as a result never see them or have a connection. I personally feel bad for them because I know what its like to have a caring dad that sticks up for you and supports you to do your best.

Many motto's have accompanied my life with him thus far and I though I don't believe I can acknowledge them fully, they will definitely have greater depth soon. In the kitchen we even have part of the wall dedicated to quotes that initially dad found meaningful. But later affected the rest of the family and now everybody has made their own additions. 'what matters is what you do next'. This is my personal favorite as I think I can relate the most to it. It's simple and open to the interpretation of the person who applies it. One of my most memorable experiences of this in action is when I had chosen not to do my biology homework very close to an exam. Naturally I talked to my dad, looking for a resolution to the past days of neglect to my education. 'what matters is what you do next' was what he said. After saying this the room was silent for a moment, but was broken by dad saying that I'd get what i needed to get done even f that meant that I was up until early. So, at the kitchen table that night, I revised and consolidated what i needed to know for the exam. I was up until 1:30am on a Tuesday night but I finished it. Come exam time, I did well considering the intense night of cramming. When I got home I thanked him for the words of wisdom that he shared with me.

Step 5: Hard to Live Up Too...

The science qualification, his ability to build virtually anything, dynamic businessman, great person, fun to be around... the list goes on.

I know children of their parents aren't supposed to look them and wonder how they will live up to them, but how will I ever be live up to it all!? Sure he says that I don't have to but somehow that makes me more competitive. Mostly.

There is just something that I

All in all though, I couldn't have asked for a better dad.


Step 6: Check Him Out Here!

As mentioned before, there are many fantastic things that my father has accomplished, that should be seen.

Building a wooden boat:

Instructables Profile: