Introduction: Steampunk Head-Light

About: I have a lot of free time on my hands. I have chronic Lyme disease, so I can't work anymore. Every once in a while, I'll get to work in my shop. Not too often, but when I do, I really enjoy it. I try to use as…

My latest project using recycled materials.

This lamp was inspired by a show called "Oddities" (one of my favorite shows). I built it using an old broken patio torch, a used guitar string (to hold the skull in place), a candelabra lamp base, a toggle switch, leftover 1/2" copper tubing and fittings, and of course, the skull.

No modifications were made to the skull and it is easily removable. I didn't want to damage it in any way, so I used a guitar string held in place by a nail that rests in the incisive fossa (the depression in the midline of the bony palate behind the central incisors into which the incisive canals open). Just tilt the skull up and the nail falls free.

If anyone has any skulls they'd like to donate to a starving artist, please let me know.

Music: Leon Boellmann - Suite Gothique