Introduction: Hotdog-Style Flyer

I like to call this flyer the hotdog-style flyer because it has hotdog-style folds. This thing is one of the best flyers and glides for awhile before gravity takes over. It's also great because it only takes a few seconds to fold and there aren't any tricky steps.

Step 1:

Fold the bill in half....HOTDOG-STYLE of course!

Step 2:

Fold the top down about a third of the way. A good way to tell where a third is is to eyeball an area about double the size of the edge you are bringing over.

Fold the model in half, folded edges outward.

Step 3:

Fold the edges back down to create the exaggerated "m" shape like in the picture. Fold the tips of the wings up. Now open the flyer, hold the base to throw, and let that baby soar!

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest

4th Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
4th Epilog Challenge