Introduction: How to Make Epsom Salt Crysals

This is my first instructable, so take it easy with the comments

Step 1: What You Need:

You Will Need:
1/4 cup (container)of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sufate)
1/2 cup (container) of tap water
Shallow bowl or dish
Food Colouring (optional)
Sponge (optional)
Time (it took me three days, but it depends on sunlight)

Step 2: Water Boiling

1)Boil the Water in a microwave, kettle or stove, when it is boiled, add epsom salts and food colouring(optional)

Step 3: First Stages of Growth

Pour the mixture over the sponge or the container and place it in a warm and sunny location.

Step 4: Ta Da

Your Crystals should appear as the water evaporates.