Introduction: How to Make Soda Can Lanterns

This instructable will show you how to make a japanese lantern out of a soda can.

Step 1: Materials Needed

you will need: 
1 or more soda cans
an x-acto knife
marker or pen
candle (optional)

Step 2:

Start by cutting of the top of the can so it is completely open.

Step 3: Cut the Slits

Draw and cut slits every 1.5 centimeters around the whole can. Leave room on the ends of the cuts so the can doesn't fall to pieces.

Step 4:

now you have cut the slits, take end and push them together. make sure the columns in between the slits bend in the middle, away from the can. 

Step 5:

Add a candle and ... walah

Step 6: