Introduction: How to Create a MSPF Instructable

This is an instructable on creating an instructable! This step-by-step process provides guidelines for creating an instructable for your prototype. Read on!

Step 1: Create a New Account on Instructables (if You Don't Have One Already!)

Go to and sign up for a new account.

Step 2: Verify Your Email Address

Follow the steps to verify your email address with Instructables

Step 3: Create Your Instructable!

Navigate to the "Create" tab at the top of the home page, and start creating your Instructable for your project

Step 4: Follow the MSPF Instructables Guidelines

Organize the steps of your instructable according to the MSPF Guidelines (remember to use photos and video as much as possible!):

Step 1: Materials- Create a list of the materials used, with quantities if appropriate

Step 2: Design- Include tools or software used, design drafts, sketches, etc. and include interaction with partners and design captains!

Step 3: Fabrication- Include the build process, estimated times, and any other pertinent details

Step 4: Installation- Discuss transportation, construction, assembly

Step 5: Interaction- Include notes on interacting with the installation, such as how to use it- Include anecdotes from the Festival

Step 5: Publish Your Instructable (and Add MSPF Keywords!)

When you're all done, click the publish button. You'll be prompted to select a series of keywords in order to help identify the piece. You can add as many keywords as you like, but you MUST add the following keywords:

1. Market Street Prototyping Festival


3. urban prototyping

4. tactical urbanism

Feel free to add as many keywords as you want- these are helpful for identifying and categorizing MSPF instructables, which will be gathered into a community on instructables for everyone to see.

Setting a category doesn't matter too much, but please select Art (Technology) from the menu when you publish the instructable. Maybe we'll create a new category for these installations next time around!