Introduction: How to Make Hunting Crossbow at Home

About: I'm making much homemade craft, homemade toys, origami, life hack, DIY

This is a full tutorial video

We'll create a hunting crossbow from popsicle sticks, very easy. Let's begin

Step 1:

Attach 2 popsicle sticks together

Step 2:

Do step 1 again and attach 2 sticks by 2 single stick like picture

Step 3:

Attach the remains by single stick to be nice

Step 4:

Create a trigger by pen before cut it

Step 5:

A trigger after cut the remains wood

Step 6:

Make a trigger and drill a hole

Step 7:

Do the same on the stick

Step 8:

Attach a trigger to stick by a round toothpick

Step 9:

Cut the remains by cutting pliers

Step 10:

Create a body of crossbow

Step 11:

Wrapping rubber band at the terminator of the body

Step 12:

Attach a single stick inner the rubber band

Step 13:

Do step 12 again with the remains terminator

Step 14:

Attach wire of crossbow

Step 15:

Create a connector at the first stick

Step 16: ​Create a Stock of Crossbow

Create a stock of crossbow

Step 17:

Cover the trigger by a single stick

Step 18:

Attach body to stock

Step 19:

Pull the wire of crossbow to try tension of crossbow

Step 20: Complete