Introduction: How to Make Sourdough Pizzas

About: I'm a Student, an Artist, and an avid maker of things interesting :)

We love pizza! That's probably just about enough said as an introduction to this instructable.

I'll just add that we've created sourdough bases for these pizza's, and we've topped them with a lovely Mediterranean mix including olives, fresh basil and capsicum.

Let's begin.

Step 1: Ingredients

For this pizza you'll need

Mix the starter, flour, oil, salt and water in a bowl...a mixing machine with a dough hook will make short work of this!

Step 2: Kneed to Know Basis

Take your ball of dough and separate it into two, then roll each out to a thickness of around 5mm. Place it into your pizza dish (we lined ours with grease proof paper) then leave for 4-5 hours for the sourdough to activate.

Step 3: Top It Off many options for pizza toppings! You'll have your favorite but we've gone with:

  • olives
  • basil
  • spring onion
  • onion
  • capsicum
  • cheese
  • pizza sauce

Lavishly spread the pizza sauce onto the base then layer the rest of the toppings as you see fit. Cheese goes on last so that it grills nicely when cooked.

Bake for in the oven for 20 minutes (or until cooked) at 180C (360F).

Step 4: Beautiful Pizza

Not only delicious but good for you! Did you see all those vegetables? And don't forget the fermented goodness of the sourdough pizza sauce.

Pizza is a regular meal in our house...and it's homemade all the way.

We hope you enjoy making your sourdough pizza...and we trust you enjoy eating it!

Maker Olympics Contest 2016

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Maker Olympics Contest 2016

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Makerspace Contest

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Summer Fun Contest 2016