Introduction: How to Make a Duck Tape Bracelet!!!

About: Black Lionhead Rabbit

In this instructable I will show you how to make a Duck tape bracelet the easy way, and it will only take you about 1 minute!!! They will always be in style!!!

Step 1: Supplies

To make a Duck tape bracelet all you need is scissors and any color of your choice!!!

Step 2: Measuring

First you need to bend the non sticky side of the tape around your wrist, and cut it the length of your wrist.

Step 3: Folding

Take one side of the tape, and bend it over half way. Then do the same thing to the other side!!!

Step 4: Fastening Your Bracelet

Cut a small piece of Duck tape to be used as the bracelets fastener.

Step 5: Now Your Bracelet Is Done!!!

Have fun with your new Duck Tape bracelet!!!

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