Introduction: How to Make a Dummy

About: I love to learn how to do stuff, and show people how to make what i learn.

In this Instructable, I'll how to make a cheap dummy using common household items. This can be made in about 15-20 minutes with great realistic results in the end.

Step 1: Prepare the Materials

You've got to always prepare what you need first!

To make this dummy, you'll need:
   - An old pair of pants
   - A bunch of old newspapers or clothes
   - An old sweater, coat, or jacket
   - A mask
   - An old pair of shoes

Step 2: Stuff the Legs

One of the most crucial steps is the stuffing.
   - First, gather your pants then your old newspapers or clothes.
   - When using newspaper, crumple it slightly. Don't crumple it as much as you can.
   - Start from the bottom and work your way up.

   - Stuff the dummy legs as realistically as you can.
   - Don't put a lot of old newspapers or clothes in one area, then none in another area.

Step 3: Put on Some Shoes

You do want it to look real - don't you? Well if so, you'll need some shoes!

  To put these on, just simply tuck the bottom of the pants into the shoes.

Step 4: Stuff Your Torso

Just as important as stuffing your legs, you'll need to stuff your torso.

  - Start at the arms and work your way up.
  - Just as you did for the legs, stuff it with your old newspapers or clothes.
  - You may want to put more stuffing in the shoulder area. When the dummy is sitting down, this   makes it more realistic.
  - You might want to add fake hands or gloves to make it look even more realistic.
  - You might want to add stuffing to your mask to give it a 3-D look.

Step 5: Finish It

Now that your done stuffing, you need to put it all together.

  - Tuck the pants in the torso to put it together.
  - Know where you're going to put your dummy.

 Putting the Dummy in a Sitting Position
  - Lift your dummy up from the bottom when moving it.
  - Slowly set it down.
  - Set it up the way you want it to look.

  Putting the Dummy in a Standing Position
  - Use a wood post or anything you want to hold it up.
  - Stick the bottom of the wood post in the ground, and the other end up the back torso of the dummy.
  - You may need to use a staple gun to staple the legs to the torso so they don't fall apart.

Halloween Contest

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