Introduction: How to Turn a Led on Raspberry Pi 2 With Windows 10 IoT

About: Marco Frau is very passionate about IT, Api Deveopment, Web Devolopment and his work. Marco wrote several web applications and portfolios for companies. He focuses on the Marketing approach to provide the be…

Hi folks!

Today I'm going to show you how to use Visual Studio 2015 using Windows 10 IoT.

Make sure you have setup your sd card with Windows 10 IoT.

If you didn't already, here is a brief guide from Microsoft

This is a draft, I will complete this instructable asap! In the
meanwhile, write down if you have suggestions or you would like me to cover a particular topic.

Step 1: Start a New Project on Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

On Visual Studio, start a new project selecting Universal Windows Apps.

Step 2: Add a Windows 10 IoT Reference in Your Project

From the menu bar Project -> Add references -> Windows 10 IoT Extensions

If you don't see it, you must install Windows 10 IoT Project templates from this website

After this, you could be prompted to enable developer mode on windows 10 iot to allow you to test your applications

Step 3: Setup the Circuit

Tools you will need:

1. Breadboard

2. Red Led 5mm

3. 220 ohm resistor

4. two wires

Connect the circuit to the gpio interface as shown

Step 4: Writing the Code

In the file app.xaml.cs, let's write this code.

Let's comment it!

using Windows.Devices.Gpio; //add this reference
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page {

private const int LED_PIN = 5; // let's define that in this case our pin is n°5

private void InitGPIO() { // create this procedure

var gpio = GpioController.GetDefault(); // we initialize the gpio controller

var pin = gpio.OpenPin(LED_PIN); // initialize pin

var pinValue = GpioPinValue.High; //define an high state => 5volts

pin.Write(pinValue); // we enable the output

pin.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Output); //configuring the pin as an output

pin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); //let's enable the pin as low state => 0 volt


public MainPage() {


InitGPIO(); // let's call the procedure


after compiling we should be able to turn on the led

Step 5: Let's Try It

To deploy it on raspberry Pi 2, you have to use remote debugging.

Here is the guide

If you prefer, I've attached to this instructable a working solution for visual studio 2015.