Introduction: How to Write a Book

do you want to write a book? Well keep reading to find out what it takes.

Step 1: How to Write the Begining

Here are two beginings .

The bear charged.

Hank walked through the wood on a cool fall evening without a care in the world.

which one is better? You'll probably say the second one, right? WRONG! The first one is better because it captures the attention of readers and they'll want to know who, what, when, where, and why the bear is charging.

Step 2: Writing the Middle

The middle of the book is probrably the hardest to write because each scene must be as captivating as the next or else the reader will get bored. One crucial thing i've learned when writing is to be BRUTAL towards your characters. There must be reader sympathy or fear for the characters. And dont just keep saying tha " Jimmy keeps getting punched by bullies." you need to have a reason and it doesn't have to be physical hurt, but emotional as well. so if something could go wrong in a situation that your characters are in make it happen.

Step 3: The End

The end is probably the most  confusing parts of  a book. If you're writing a stand alone novel. ( a book with no sequels) you will have to tie up any loose ends.  If writing a series make sure to have your reader wanting more. Cliff hangers are best. For example.

And Jimmy finally stood up to the bullies and drove them out of school.... untill a new problem sprung up. Girls.

Step 4: Revising

This is easily the most boring part of writing. but it must be done. Check your spelling, grammar take out or add parts or even get rid of a whole character. But make sure you keep it true to the story you want, because there will always be that little editor in your head saying " That is a dumb idea."