Introduction: How To: Youtube Videos

About: I'm baaaack!

This Instructable will try to teach you how to have your youtube videos have a ton of views!

Step 1: Make Your Video

You will first need to make your video, make sure it is relevant, and a popular topic, otherwise nobody will care! Music or politics are always good topics. Next comes your # of views increaser in the next step. Make sure its someone people will know about.

Step 2: Popularity

Unfortunately, in our world, Americans are OBSESSED with sex. Therefore, this is a good target when making a youtube video. Although youtube blocks and prohibits pornography, you can still come close. Find a good picture of a good looking chick. They can't show any of their genitalia. (Side boobs are OK) Insert this picture into your video using whatever video editing software you are using. Windows Movie Maker should do. Insert the picture you have chosen, and have it show for about 1-2 seconds in the middle or end of your movie.

Disclaimer: Sexy woman ahead!

Step 3: Upload!

Upload your video to Youtube. If Youtube denies your video, try getting a less sexually orientated picture.
Once your video is uploaded there should be an edit function. Find where it says "Video Thumbnail" this will be the picture everyone will see when they see your video. Set it to where you inserted the picture you found earlier. Make your title something interesting, either set it to the topic of your video, or something pornographic. If you make it pornographic, people won't care about what your video is about, but it will get a lot of views, but if you have the title what your video is actually about, there will be more caring people leaving better comments for you. Save your video and wait for it to be advertised!

Step 4: Advertise

Advertise your video. Links are key. Post links everywhere. Even in places that don't make sense. Put them on forums, your myspace page, anywhere. This helps a lot. Because, the more sites you have links to your video on, the higher rated your video is on google, therefore, when people google something, there is a greater chance they will find your video. And if more people find your video, you get more views. End of story.

Have fun!