Introduction: How to Eat at Taco John's (aka "The Taco John's Hack")

This is my first Instructable, so I hope you guys like it.

One of the most popular fast foods among high school and college students are tacos. A great place to savor this Mexican dish is Taco John's, and come on Taco John's has got a whole lotta of Mexican goin' on. Now on to the tutorial.

Step 1: Disclaimer

There are many ways to eat at Taco John's, but this is just what I believe to be as one of the best ways to eat there. Some of the proceeding ideas may be considered in the grey area of legality in some people's minds, and I am not saying I have ever partook in any of these steps. I'm just saying this is one way a guy could do it.

Step 2: Order Up!

The first step is to get to Taco John's of course, but the first hard part comes in at ordering. When it is your turn to order, order a six pack and a pound. A six pack and a pound is six tacos of your choice of style, and one pound of potato oles. There are two variables that go along with this, the first one is hard shell or soft shell tacos, your choice here should not matter to the outcome of the meal. Your next choice however, may. They should ask you if you want the oles in small, medium or large. If you order small you will get four small cups, medium you will get three cups, and large two. If they ask you if your want a beverage simply reply: No, thank you, and pay them. There is a reason for this, just hold on, it will come up.

Step 3: Wait

After you pay them you will have to face the long task of waiting for you food, which can seem like an everlasting eternity. While you wait, there can be a multitude of different things to do at your disposal for entertainment, such as: reading the newspaper, doing the tidbits trivia with some friends, or just plain twiddling your thumbs, but what ever your choice for entertainment is, your food will come, trust me. Once your order is finally cooked move on to the next step.

Step 4: The Good Part

This following step is the step that some people may find a bit unethical, but it is what makes this way of eating at Taco John' so special. So if you would not like to read this step, turn down the volume and plug your eyes, cause it's coming whether you like it or not. The first part of this step is to empty the contents of one of your potato oles cups onto your tray. Then grab a napkin and proceed to wipe the excess grease and oles out of the cup. Once it is clean enough to drink off of, do it. Go to the fountain and fill it up with your favorite soft drink. If you ordered large oles, and your middle name is dangerous, you could ask the one of the fine people behind the counter for a extra large cover so you can take your drink on the road.

Step 5: All Done, Enjoy!

You can now enjoy your complete meal. Some people may look at you funny, but if they do, just show them this guide, and they should understand. I am not responsible for any harm that come from the misuse of this tutorial.