Introduction: How to Extract Audio Part 1

About: Due to my lack of free time I may take my time to respond to posts/comment etc.

Here's a way to extract audio (sweet song/awsome soundtrack??) from a video clip-the open source software way.
Just because this is my first instructable, I'm not asking you to go easy on me. All criticism wanted!!

Step 1: Get Software

Go to and download audacity.

Step 2: Get Video Clip

Go FILE-OPEN and select your clip
then hit OPEN

Step 3: Highlight Audio

Go on, play around a bit! you cannot hurt the program it is your friend.
Once you have found the selection of audio you want then click and drag your mouse over the desired music

Step 4: Trim (and No I Do Not Mean a Cheap Haircut!!)

Once you have selected the bit you want then go EDIT-TRIM

Step 5: Export

Once you have completed all the other steps (and if you have not then go and do them now!!!) re-highlight your selection and go FILE-EXPORT SELECTION AS WAV.
Then I assume you have enough knowledge to save the file (if not then message me and I will help)

Step 6: Finale

Now open the file and enjoy with your default music player.
Part 2 will use Adobe products for the rich or shameless software pirates (I feel your Pain!!)
Part 3 (Hopefully) will use hardware

Until we meet again..

-gotta get out of here chair is killing my back-