Introduction: How to Make Spaetzle - a Traditional Swabian/Southern German Kind of Noodle

About: I am a PhD student in bioinformatics interested in technology, electronics and computers with a fondness for crafts and good food.

Spätzle or Spaetzle [ˈʃpɛtslə] form a cornerstone of southern German cuisine, as the basis of such wonderful dishes like Kässpätzle (spätzle with cheese au gratin), Linsen mit Spätzle und Saitenwürstle (lentils, spätzle and frankfurters) or as the side dish of any imaginable main courses.
Allthough there are a lot of simpler ways to make these savory noodles, the traditional and my most favorite is scraping.
This Instructable introduces you to this technique, which, like always, becomes simpler with a little practice.

Step 1: Materials

Traditionally one uses the following:

- Spätzle grater
- Spätzle board
- Big pot
- Ladle
- Colander
- Kitchen scales

Instead of the special tools you can use for example:

- Blunt side of a big kitchen knife
- Any kind of small wooden kitchen or cutting board

Step 2: Recipe

This recipe is adequate for four people. Just divide or multiply the ingredients for your individual needs.

500 g (1.1 pound*) wheat flour
5 eggs
pinch of salt
150-200 ml (5.1-6.8 fl. oz.*) water

Mix all ingredients with a kitchen aid or by hand, add water little by little to get a ropy consistency. Then let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

* converted via Google

Step 3: Actual Preparation

1. Take your pot, fill it up with slightly salted water and bring it to boiling temperature.
2. Dip the board into the water and moisturize it. Be sure to keep your board moist all the time to prevent the dough from sticking to it.
3. Put a small amount of dough and smooth it down on your board, which you slightly dip in the water.
4. Then begin to grate little portions of dough into the boiling water with the help of your grater or the tool of your choice.
5. When you're done with the first round wait for all Spätzle to float and then quickly put them in your colander for draining.
6. Repeat 4 and 5 until you processed the whole dough.
7. Enjoy your handmade Spätzle!

Step 4: Enjoy!

As I mentioned in the beginning, there are various combinations to enjoy your spätzle.
Be creative or look up different recipes on the web... Have fun!