Introduction: How to Make a Mr.Octi Plush From the Powerpuff Girls

About: I love to sew, and other crafty thing.

I have always love the Powerpuff Girls and because of it I wanted to make Mr.Octi (Bubbles stuffed octopus ). I made it for my little sister who now carries it everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean everywhere! 
Here are the things you will need:

  • light purple fleece
  • a darker shade of purple
  • yellow,light blue,black felt and matching thread
  • stuffing
  • rice,deer corn pebbles or something to weigh down the arms
  • needle and thread
  • sewing machine
  • paper to make a pattern

Step 1: Make the Pattern

On the show Mr.Octi normally had 4 arms, however there were many times where he had more arms. But I just made 4, because it is the easiest. But to made the arms you will have to sew the body/head pieces together first. Yea, I know it's awkward but you have to to figure out the bottom circle.But before you do that hand sew the face on!! You will thank yourself later, if not you will kick yourself like I did.  Anywho.. after you sew on the face stuff it and trace around it on paper and mark the center. Then divide the circle into fourths, they don't have to be all that perfect. I then marked 1 1/2 in. from that line with an X. From that I drew two 5 1/2in. perpendicular lines and a curve like so. After all that, trace around it with a 1/4 in. seam allowance in a different color to see it better. And cut them arms out!! 

Step 2: Armed With Arms

Pin and cut the arms on the light purple fabric. Cut a hole the same size as the circle and sew around every single arm.

Step 3: The Face

Made sure to sew the face on before you sew the back on, just because it's easier. Sew the dark purple eye lids to the yellow eyes all the way around. Cut and sew the most adorable curly Q in the middle of his forehead. Also cut many eye sized dark purple circles to sew on the arms. 

Step 4: Sew Many... Circles

Stuff and hand sew every one of those dark purple circles all over the arms. I sewn 3 on each arm, so I cut out 12 circles. Now you will             turn the head/body piece inside out and stuff the arms right side out inside and pin the circle around the base of the body. Leave part of the back un-sewn to pull out the arms and head.

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Pull everything inside out and add whatever you are using to weigh down the arms. I used 4 flat glass stones in each arm. (Not the most wise thing to use) To make his hat, first pin the smaller rectangle to the middle of the larger one and sew with right sides together. Repeat on the other side. Then pull out like so and sew around the edge of one side and leave one side open on the other side. Turn inside out and blindstitch this close. Then sew this on Mr.Octi's head. And now you're done!!

Step 6: Now Give It Away

Now give this to your little sister who will inevitably destroy it.  :3

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