Introduction: How to Make a Cool 3D Birthday Card

Learn how to make this very original birthday card.

What you need:

-a ruler
-a cutter
-blunt scissors or a blunt knife

Step 1:

Start by cutting an A4 paper in two in the length. You need to glue the two pieces together, but you could do that at any stage of the process, so do it when it feels appropriate to you.

Step 2:

You need to draw the boxes where your letters will be in. Leave some space between each box and think about what you want to write first.

I used 6x4 cm boxes with 1 cm in between each two. That way, you can fit eight letters on your two pieces of paper. Make sure you leave a few cm at the bottom.

You can align all the boxes, or for a fun effect, make them swing from left to right.

Step 3:

Draw letters into the cases. To do so, make sure that:

-each letter is IN MIRROR VIEW! because you will later turn the page around
-each letter entirely fills a box, that way they'll all be the same size
-each letter is pretty thick, otherwise it will be too fragile

Make letters like Y, I and P that stand on one "leg" a little wider at the bottom, so that they'll stand stable once cut out.

Step 4:

Now it's time to cut your letters out with a cutter. DON'T cut the bottom of the letter, where it has to stand on.

Step 5:

All that's left to do now is folding. To do so you need to draw some more lines. Trace a horizontal line in the middle between the base of two letters. (see pictures of steps 3 and 4)

With a ruler and blunt scissors or a blunt knife, trace along the lines where you'll be folding. Those are the horizontal lines at the base of a letter, and the lines you just traced in the middle between those "base lines".

Now, fold the lines along a ruler. Fold the paper up at the base lines, then turn the paper around and fold the other lines up on the other side.

If this all sounds too complicated, just look at the pictures how it's supposed to turn out.

Step 6:

You're done!

You can leave the card as it is, classy white, or add some colour.

For another original birthday card, check out my other instructable: