Introduction: How to Make a Cup/plant Pot Out of a Plastic Bottle

How to create a cup or plant pot out of a plastic bottle.

Step 1: Matierials

I am not responsible for your injuries or any other harm caused to you because of this build.
Matierials needed
1 one liter plastic bottle
Tools needed:
Pen (optional)
Scissors (optional)

Step 2: Cutting

Take your plastic bottle and draw a line with your pen where you want to cut the bottle. Then cut along that line until you have a clean straight cut. If not take some scissors and straighten out any edges.

Step 3: Creativity

Now is the time for creativity. You have a clear plastic bottle and a pen. Use your imagination and draw on it. Post your pictures here. Thanks for reading.

Keep the Bottle Contest

Participated in the
Keep the Bottle Contest