Introduction: How to Make a Diamond Kite

Here is how you make a fun yet simple kite!

Step 1: Materials Needed

First of all gather the materials.
You will need: scissors, a ruler, three garbage bags, a pencil, tape and two wooden dowels. (The dowel for the spine should be 10 millimeters thick and 95 centimeters long, the dowel for the spar should be 6 millimeters thick and 90 cm long). You should also have a roll of string.

Step 2: Dimensions of the Kite Sail

Using the garbage bags, make a 1x1 meter plastic sheet. If the garbage bags are too small, then cut them open and tape a few together using strong tape.

Draw on the lines that represent the spar and spine as shown in the picture according to the dimensions. If you don't want to draw then tape on some string and use them as guide lines. (remember to take off after cutting)

Step 3: Preparing to Cut the Sail

Once youve drawn on the two lines that represent the spar and spine. Join the ends of the lines to form a diamond shape. Again if you don't want to draw, just tape on some string and use that as guide lines. (remember to take them off once finished cutting)

*Tip- Try to be accurate as you when you cut and place of the dowels, if you’re not it might affect the stability of your kite.

Step 4: Cut Out Your Sail

Your finished sail should look like this.

Step 5: Attach the Spar and Spine to the Sail

Tie or glue the two dowels together but make sure they match the dimensions and then place it on the sail of the kite. Place it on the kite and attach them to the sail at the ends, where its marked in the picture. Do this at each corner.

Step 6: Attach the Bridle

Cut a piece of your flying string.Tie one end to the point where the spine and the spar meet and then tie the other end 15 centimeters from the joint on on to the spine. The string use should give you about a 6 cm of slack. You can also tie two strings from the each end of the spar and to the bridle in the middle. This creates extra stability. Next tie your flying line on to the bridle around the middle. Now your string is ready.

Step 7: Make the Tail

The final thing is attaching the tail. It should be around six times the length of your kite. Take a garbage bag and cut into strips. (No need to be accurate). Then take the strips and make a ring with them, then loop them through each other.

Step 8: Final Touches to the Tail

You might want to tape the two sides of the loop together to keep it steady and create more air resistance. Finally tie your tail to the kite by putting it under the spine and then tying it to the spine.

Step 9: In the End...

Your kite should look something like the one shown here and so now your done and can go fly your kite!