Introduction: How to Make a Password System in Notepad

Password is 0000
Username is 0000

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Step 1: Open Notepad

Step 2: Code!

@echo off

color 4c

:username cls set /p input=Username: if %input%==0000 goto password goto password cls

:password cls set /p input=Password: if %input%==0000 goto menu goto password cls

:menu findstr /v "ljkshlfjhdas" menu.txt set /p input=/ pause if %input%==3 exit goto menu

Save as .bat

Step 3: Open a New Notepad


name : Goto notepad goto

Step 4: Open a New Notepad


1 notepad goto notepad

2 ipcofig pause

3 exit

4 sc

5 date

6 echo

7 shutdown

8 cls

Step 5: Finish

Password is 0000
Username is 0000

Coded Creations

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