Introduction: How to Make a Sheep by Cotton Sticks?

 We have a great Islamic ossasion coming soon which is Eid Al-adhaa. 
I hope you're like this project.

Step 1: Step 1:

The tools:

Cotton Sticks.
wooden clothes pegs. 
Pen & Pencil. 

Step 2: Step 2:

 Draw 2 egg-shaped on the paper, one big for the body of the sheep another small one for the head of the sheep.

Step 3: Step 3:

Cut the 2 egg-shaped by the scissors.

Step 4: Step 4:

Cut 2cm of the cotton sticks.

Step 5: Step 5:

Paste the small cotton sticks on the big one of the egg-shaped gently.

Step 6: Step 6:

Paste 2 of the small sticks on the small one of the egg-shaped to make the hair the sheep's head.

Step 7: Step 7:

Draw the face of the sheep on the small one.

Step 8: Step 8:

Paste the head on the sheep's body.

Step 9: Step 9:

Paste wooden clothes pegs behind the sheep's body to make it's legs.