Introduction: How to Make a Water Rocket?

This time I would like to present a simple way to make a water rocket. I hope that my step by step instructions will make it very easy and enjoyable.

Step 1: Used Materials

- 3 plastic 2L bottles
- cardboard
- scotch tape
- duct tape
- one tennis ball
- fishing line
- one big trash bag

Step 2: Preparing the Rocket Wings

Draw 4 right triangles on the cardboard (3.5 in x 5 in x 6.5 in each) and cut them.

Step 3: Attaching Wings to the Main Bottle.

Put the bottle upside down.In order to avoid any confusions, I will call it the main bottle. Attach each wing 3 inches from the cap, using duct tape. You can also stick the tape on the surface of triangles to make them more stable. Make sure you placed the wings with the same distance from each other. It will help the rocket go straight up.

Step 4: Preparing the First Part of Rocket's Extension.

In this step you will cut another bottle to get a plastic tube. Cut off bottleneck and the bottom. In this way you are left with a cylindric tube, which you are going to use as your extension.

Step 5: Attaching First Extension to the Main Bottle

Tightly connect the plastic tube with the main bottle, using scotch tape. Try to connect them perfectly straight. It will help to keep the balance of your future rocket.

Step 6: Preparing the Final Part of Rocket's Extension

Cut off the bottleneck from your last plastic bottle. Overlap the rocket with that final extension, placing it in exactly opposite way to the main bottle. To make sure it won't get disconnected during the flight, use a duct tape. Because the top edge is sharp, I taped it to prevent my future parachute from cutting.

Step 7: Preparing the Upper Part of the Parachute

From a trash bag cut the octagon figure. (The bigger parachute you make, the longer time it stays in the air!!! ) Stick duct tape on each corner (both sides) ,then use a puncher to make wholes (.5 inch from the edge). It will prevent used trash bag from ripping apart.

Step 8: Preparing the Lower Part of the Parachute

Cut 8 strings from a fishing line. All of them have to be the same lenght. ( around 2/3 of the octagon's diameter). Attach the strings to a tennis ball. In order to do it, first lance a ball on both sides(top and bottom). Then pull the strings through it and use duct tape to make it solid.

Step 9: Finishing the Parachute.

Connect each string to the hole. Tight them firmly. Again, make sure that all string are the same lenght.

Step 10: Placing Obtained Parachute in the Rocket

Carefuly fold the parachute and place it into the "basket" from the final extension part. Do not squeeze it to hard, because it won't come out in the air. Put the tennis ball on the top of the parachaute.

Step 11: Congratulations!!! You Made It!!!!

I hope you enjoyed working on this project. I wish you good luck with the launch and an enormously high score!