Introduction: How to Make Custom Chocolate Kisses + Template

About: My favourite things in the world are inventing things, writing songs, sleeping, self improvement, and trying new things! I love because it's like a playground for my kind of people. :)

So let's say it's close to an anniversary, or maybe you just have some extra chocolate laying around you want to do something with - let's make Chocolate Kisses!

First off though, you're going to need the chocolate drop, and I'm going to briefly describe how to do that, because different chocolates melt differently and there are so many kinds of chocolate additives that I can't go over them all. Suffice it to say, what I did was melt chocolate in a double boiler - which means NOT DIRECTLY on the heat of the stove. I didn't have a double boiler, so I just stuck a small pot inside a big pot and filled the larger one with water and it worked just as well. Then to make the droplets, I poured the chocolate into a baggie and snipped off the end. Just squeeze out the chocolate onto wax paper, place in the fridge, and wait fifteen minutes.

Now we are ready for the first step. :)

Step 1: Materials

To download the free template, click this link:

Step 2: Cutting Out

Step 3: Folding Up

Step 4: Finished!

You're done! Ready for eating, giving away or leaving on someone's pillow. :)

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