Introduction: How to Make the BEST Command Prompt (cmd)

About: I've been interested in programming and computer science since age 9!

Hello, everyone!

Today I will show you how to make one of the BEST CMDs ever.

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Step 1: Materials

Here's what you need:

     • Computer
     • Text editor (Can be simple, I'm using Notepad for Windows)
     • You
     • Keyboard (Optional, see step 2)
     • Mouse (Optional, see step 2)
     • Hand(s)

If you have most of the above, (must include computer, keyboard/mouse and hand[s]) then you can click Next Step

Step 2: The Code

Ok. Here's the code (copy between the stars) then I will explain:


@echo off
title Command Prompt - by account3r2
echo (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp.
set /p "cmd=%cd%>"
goto cmd


Yes, about step 1... You can use the mouse to copy, paste and save the file. Or you can just use the keyboard, using MouseKeys or shift-select then CTRL-C and CTRL-V.

Step 3: The Explanation

@echo off ----- This tells the computer not to display commands unless it is told to do so.

cls ----- This clears any text on the screen.

title Command Prompt - by account3r2 ----- Displays the text after "title" on the title bar.

ver ----- Displays the version of Windows you are running.

echo (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. ----- Echo displays text, The rest just says the Microsoft has copyright.

echo. ----- Echo with a period after it skips a line, like pressing enter twice does.

:cmd ----- Sets a point to access called "cmd".

set /p "cmd=%cd%>" ----- Makes a line you can type on, then saves what you typed tempararily into "cmd".

%cmd% ----- Does the command you typed.

echo. ----- Still skips a line.

goto cmd ----- Goes to the access point set called "cmd"

Step 4: Saving the File

Now we will save the file.

First, press file. (OR Alt+F)
Next, press Save or Save As... (OR S) (OR Just Press CTRL+S at #1)
Then, Type a name like "whatever.bat" or "CMDPRMPT.bat" but whatever it is put .bat at the end (you can use on screen keyboard for this)
After that, press save.

Step 5: Running the Program

Next you run the program by double clicking it or by selecting it and pressing enter.
It should look like the picture below.

Step 6: Suggestions? Updates?

If anyone has any suggestions or updates for this program, please leave a comment below. Feel free to leave any comments for anything else, and again, please rate this! Thanks!