Introduction: How to Milk a Goat

About: Hi, I'm stephen, I'm a certified welder, working on my machinists cert, and working part time at a hardware store. Mixing in all of that with my hobbies of blacksmithing and knifemaking, only makes for more f…
Yes i'm serious, this is an ible on how to milk a goat.

Step 1: Supplies

Milk Pail
feed (for the goats)
Milking stand (to keep the goats in place)
Tote and strainer (to filter and store milk)

And... A....

(that gives milk)

You can get the tote, strainer, and milk pail at (I am not advertising for them)

Step 2: The Stand

You can buy premade milking stands, but my dad made our 2 milking stands. These are some pics so you can see what it's like (I don't have plans or anything)

Step 3: How to Milk!

Pinch off the top off the teet with your thumb and pointer finger, keep it pinched while making a fist and squeezing, release, reapeat on other teet. Please note! this is not a cow! DO NOT PULL!
With a cow you pinch off the top and pull. THIS WILL HURT THE GOAT! DON"T DO IT!!! ok, sorry.
watch the vid for more help. (in the vid I am milking with one hand, that's so I can hold the camera to, I do use both hands to milk)

Step 4: What Next?

When you have emptyed the goat you weigh it (this is for record keeping) then strain it. When you have it all strained you keep in fridge till you use it. (stay tuned for my "ible" on making Goat mozzerella).