Introduction: How to Play UNO With Regular Playing Cards

About: I like to make stuff

Running out of card games to play? Only have a boring deck of cards?This instructable will show you how to play UNO with regular playing cards. Instead of using the four colors, you use the suit (Spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds) Numbers 2-9 are just like UNO except 1 and 0. The suit cards are the action cards.

Step 1: Jack

Jack cards are a choice between skip (skip the next player) or reverse (reverse order of players). Although when only two people are playing it doesn't really matter. You can play it when the suit matches, if the person skipped the person ahead of you or if they choose a reverse and you went before them.

Step 2: Queen

Queen cards are a pick up 2 card for the next person. They can be played when the suit matches or after another queen.

Step 3: King

King lets you change the suit. This can be played anytime.

Step 4: Ace

Ace lets you change the suit and make the next person pick up 4 cards. It can be played anytime.

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