Introduction: How to Rapidly Buzz Someone on Yahoo Messenger

About: I want to post something useful, after all these years on this site, *I want to post something useful*.

 I'm surprised no one set up an instructable for this. This i'ble details instructions on how to rapidly buzz someone on Yahoo Messenger.

-rapid typing skills
-Yahoo Messenger (of course)

Step 1: Basically You Do This

 It's extremely easy! All you have to do is to type ding on the message box and it'll send a buzz to the other side. (image 1)

NOTE: The person you're buzzing must also be using YM on the other side.

Now, copy the "ding" before sending it. After buzzing the other guy, press Ctrl+v to paste, then send. Ctrl+v again to paste "ding" then send. Paste, send, paste, send etc.