Introduction: How to Shape Up Your Facial Hair

Shaping your facial hair adds a sense of completion to your look.  Im going to demonstrate how i shave my facial hair and also how i take care of my skin.

Step 1: Getting Started

The supplies i use to shave my facial hair are:
     Murrays Bees Wax
     Cantu Shea Butter
     Straight edge razor
     Clean Mascara Brush
     Small tooth comb
     Wash Cloth
     Facial cleanser and toner (Doodlecraft recipe)

First things first clean your eyebrows. I use head n sholders to shampoo my hair and occasionally my brows. wet ur mascara brush with water then put a drop of shampoo on the tip. brush ur brows like there teeth or what ever... (this helps if you have dandruff in your eyebrows).
Next put a little dot of bees wax on your mascara brush and brush through your brows kind of back comb them so you can see where the long hairs are. comb them up and  cut them so that they will be uniform in length. then comb them down and cut them so that you dont have any thick spots. next shape your brow s with the razor, getting rid of stubble and baby hairs that will alter the shape you want.
To finish up the eyebrows take a cotton ball or pan and dab with toner and wipe the area clean. (may burn a little)


now time to focus on your mouth region.. Lol.
put a wash cloth or small hand towel under hot water.( if its to hot for your hands its way to hot for your face). let it run for a while under the water so it gets hot. meanwhile grab the Cantu and  apply a liberal amount to the area you will be shaving.
(i use cantu because i cant use shaving creme, i agrivates my psoriasis, and the shea in the cantu helps my skin so i use that instead, or sometimes i use a soothing lotion, but I havent used shaving creme in years and my skin love me for it)

Cover the area you are shaving with the hot cloth. leave it there for 30 sec. to a minute. how ever long it takes to get to room temp.
(your using the hot cloth to soften the skin to make it resistant to cuts and wetting the hair to make it more bendable and easy to cut, and you are also deep conditioning your skin)

Take you straight edge razor and go to work!

Step 3: Enjoy Your "just From the Barber" Worthy New Look

I hope my methods were helpful to yall, i have more instructables on the way!!!